
Once you have arrived in Japan, you will be required to fill in a Customs Declaration Form, about your belongings. Custom Declaration Forms are available on airplanes and ships or in the Customs inspection area of the airport or seaport. You are recommended to register your belongings information into “Visit Japan Web” instead of the Custom Declaration Forms before boarding flight to Japan.
▷If you are over the customs allowance, you will be required to pay duties and/or taxes. Otherwise the items/articles will be confiscated.
▷If you are caught with prohibited articles you will be arrested.
▷There are also certain rules and procedures that must be followed if you wish to send items by post to Japan from Finland. If the package exceeds the customs allowance, duties and taxes will need to be paid by the recipient of the package in Japan.


Our Embassy doesn’t  have any officials who have expertise concerning the Japanese customs. If you have any enquiries, please read the FAQ or direct them to the Customs Counselors’ in Japan.
1) Tokyo Customs (Narita, Haneda)
   Email: tyo-gyomu-sodankan<at>
   Tel: +81 3 3529 0700
2) Osaka Customs (Kansai International)
   Email: osaka-sodan<at>
   Tel: +81 6 6576 3001
Other customs counselor’s Email address are listed here.