Bringing Medicines for Personal Use

Certain requirements and rules apply when bringing or sending medicines for personal use into Japan. These rules and requirements differ depending on the type and amount of medicine imported.
You can find general information concerning the import of medicines into Japan for personal use in “Information for those who are bringing medicines for personal use into Japan”.
▷ Poison, Deadly poison, Prescription drug : Up to 1 month supply
▷ Drug for external use (excluding Poison, Deadly poison, Prescription drug) : Up to 24 per one item
▷ Injectable drug and Syringe for the drug: Up to 1 month supply
  * Only "Pre-filled Syringe" or "Self-injection Kit"
▷ Other Drugs, Quasi drugs : Up to 2 month supply

You can find a list of controlled substances and information concerning narcotics, psychotropic medicines (including ADHD medication) and other controlled substances on the Narcotics Control Department website.


Our Embassy doesn’t  have any officials who have expertise concerning medicines. If you have any enquiries, please direct them to the Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare.
1) Kanto-Shin’etsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare (Narita, Haneda)
   Email: yakkan<at>
Tel: +81 48 740 0800
2) Kinki Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare (Kansai International)
Tel: +81 6 6942 4096